DMCA Copyright
(DMCA) On the relevant page of this website, it is being made in compliance with all the obligations of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. It will contain only the (DMCA) in total. All registered trademarks, company names, product names, all images, content, logos and other content on this website of My LokLok APK are owned by their respective owners.
By reacting to claims of infringement in a way that complies with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and other relevant laws, My LokLok Apk complies with the federal DMCA. As part of our response, we may remove or disable access to content on the site that is under the control or jurisdiction of MYLOKLOKAPK and is allegedly infringing. In such a case, we will try to contact the developer who submitted the allegedly infringing material so that they can file a counter-notification in compliance with the DMCA.
Before delivering a Notice of Infringing Material or a Counter-Notification, you might want to speak with a lawyer to learn more about your rights and responsibilities under the DMCA and other relevant laws. These notification requirements—which do not represent legal advice—are meant to fulfil ApkNox’s rights and duties under the DMCA, specifically section 512(c).
Notification of Copyright Violation
To enable quick action, if you would like to file a notice regarding copyrighted material on MyLoklokAPK, please ensure your notification contains the following details.
Kindly forward the infringement notification to the following email address: [email protected]